Menstrual Health Management

ZanaAfrica leverages sanitary pads as a gateway to conversations about about reproductive health and rights for girls in Kenya.

ZanaAfrica delivers sanitary pads and underpants to meet the needs of period poverty for the two in three girls that lack regular access to menstrual health products. Since 2013, we have supported more than 100,000 girls with pads and underpants helping them to confidently manage menstruation with pride and dignity.

Our free Nia sanitary pads are high quality and affordable, withs aspirational designs and real-time access to health and rights resources and referrals on its packaging providing a safe space for girls and women to learn about health and reclaim dignity.

Designed for women and girls, by women and girls

Nia pads have been designed by our social enterprise partner, ZanaAfrica Group, with the needs of women and girls in mind, to support their comfort, peace of mind and the freedom to be who they aspire to be. Women and girls across Kenya—from schools to marketplaces— are involved in the making of Nia pads, from the actual pad product design to the aspirational branding which inspires girls and women to believe in themselves and their futures.

Real-time digital support

On every pad package, users can access the Nia HealthLink which consists of a chatbot and a hotline that provides answers to reproductive health and rights questions, for free and in real time. Topics include menstruation, relationships and safety, STIs/STDs, and more, and are based on over 20,000 questions received from adolescents in our programs written anonymously on pieces of paper. Its first iteration in 2018 reached 10,000 users with immediate support to digital health partners.