How we're leveraging AI to support girls & women

Through the Nia HealthLink, we offer a safe space to give honest, judgment-free answers to sexual and reproductive health questions. Chat with Nia for free on Whatsapp: 0712 721 642 or +254 0712 721 642 (from outside of Kenya).

June 2023 - It seems like everywhere you turn people are talking about the dangers of AI (artificial intelligence) and its negative effects on society. At ZanaAfrica, we are leveraging tech to catalyze positive change by strengthening health ecosystems to improve the lives of girls and women, for free and in real time. 

The Nia HealthLink is a chatbot and hotline that embodies ZanaAfrica’s commitment to help girls know, access, and actualize their health and rights. The HealthLink provides rights-based reproductive health responses to important questions around menstruation, reproductive health and safety, STIs/STDs, relationships, consent and more. Content for our chatbot was designed from over 20,000 questions received from adolescents in our programs, submitted anonymously on pieces of paper in our health clubs over the past 10 years. 

Our hotline is staffed by community health volunteers who align their conversations with the HealthLink’s reproductive health responses, offering a deeper level of engagement with callers. This additional offering further ensures our commitment to dignity through choice. Promoted across our pads and school materials, these resources will literally be in the hands of girls and young women - and their loved ones - whenever they need it most.


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